jets dynamodb:generate

Important: These docs are for the outdated Jets 5 versions and below. For the latest Jets docs:


jets dynamodb:generate [options]


Creates a migration for a DynamoDB table


jets dynamodb:generate create_products --partition-key category --sort-key product_id:number
jets dynamodb:generate create_comments --partition-key post_id:string --sort-key created_at:string
jets dynamodb:generate create_posts    --partition-key id        # default attribute type is string
jets dynamodb:generate create_posts    --partition-key id:number # attribute type will be number

Running migrations

$ jets dynamodb:migrate

To add global secondary indexes:

$ jets dynamodb:generate update_comments --partition-key user_id:string --sort-key created_at:string

To run:

$ jets dynamodb:migrate


A create_table or update_table migration file is generated based name you provide. If update is included in the name then an update_table migration table is generated. If create is included in the name then a create_table migration table is generated.

The table_name is also inferred from the migration name you provide. Examples:

$ jets dynamodb:generate create_posts    # table_name: posts
$ jets dynamodb:generate update_comments # table_name: comments

You can override both of these conventions:

$ jets dynamodb:generate create_my_posts --table-name posts
$ jets dynamodb:generate my_posts --action create_table --table-name posts
$ jets dynamodb:generate my_posts --action update_table --table-name posts


[--action=ACTION]                # create_table, update_table, delete_table. Defaults to convention based on the name of the migration.
[--partition-key=PARTITION_KEY]  # table's partition key
                                 # Default: id
[--sort-key=SORT_KEY]            # table's sort key
[--table-name=TABLE_NAME]        # override the the conventional table name