Secrets SSM Parameter Store

Important: These docs are for the outdated Jets 5 versions and below. For the latest Jets docs:

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store is supported. Storing secrets as SSM Parameters and referencing them your .env files allows you to commit your .env into source control. When you reference a parameter name with it will prefix the conventional /<app-name>/<jets-env>/. If you reference the parameter name with a leading / then the conventional prefix is not added. For example:

RELATIVE_DATABASE_URL=SSM:database-url          # references /<app-name>/<jets-env>/database-url
ABSOLUTE_DATABASE_URL=SSM:/path/to/database-url # references /path/to/database-url

The SSM parameters are fetched and interpolated into your environment at build time so make sure to re-deploy your app after making changes to your SSM parameters to ensure they are picked up correctly.

Additionally, if the value is SSM. It will conventionally map to /<app-name>/<jets-env>/KEY.

MY_SECRET=SSM # references /<app-name>/<jets-env>/MY_SECRET
MySecret=SSM  # references /<app-name>/<jets-env>/MySecret