
Important: These docs are for the outdated Jets 5 versions and below. For the latest Jets docs:

Jets translates your routes.rb file into API Gateway resources, and connects them to your Lambda functions:


Jets.application.routes.draw do
  get  "posts", to: "posts#index"
  get  "posts/new", to: "posts#new"
  get  "posts/:id", to: "posts#show"
  post "posts", to: "posts#create"
  get  "posts/:id/edit", to: "posts#edit"
  put  "posts", to: "posts#update"
  delete  "posts", to: "posts#destroy"

  resources :comments # expands to the RESTful routes above

  any "posts/hot", to: "posts#hot" # GET, POST, PUT, etc request all work

You can check your routes in the API Gateway console:

Screenshot of generated API Gateway resources in the AWS Console

Note: In Jets v5, only the minimal APIGW Methods are created. APIGW essentially acts like a proxy to the Jets routing engine which is more flexible.

You can get your API Gateway endpoints from the API Gateway console, and test them with curl or postman. Example:

$ curl -s "" | jq .
  "hello": "world",
  "action": "index"

jets routes

Run the jets routes cli command to get a list of your routes.

$ jets routes
|    As (Prefix)    |  Verb  | Path (URI Pattern) | Controller#action  |
| posts             | GET    | /posts             | posts#index        |
| posts             | POST   | /posts             | posts#create       |
| new_post          | GET    | /posts/new         | posts#new          |
| edit_post         | GET    | /posts/:id/edit    | posts#edit         |
| post              | GET    | /posts/:id         | posts#show         |
| post              | PUT    | /posts/:id         | posts#update       |
| post              | PATCH  | /posts/:id         | posts#update       |
| post              | DELETE | /posts/:id         | posts#destroy      |

Routing Guide

There is more information about the Jets Router in the Routing Guide docs.