Env Files

Important: These docs are for the outdated Jets 5 versions and below. For the latest Jets docs: docs.rubyonjets.com

Jets loads environment variables from .env files. The naming convention for these files is .env.<environment>.

Let’s say you have a Jets project that has the following dotenv files:


Always Loaded

The .env file will always get loaded.

Environment Specific Variables

The other .env files will be loaded based on value of the JETS_ENV environment variable in the machine you’re deploying from. So:

  • JETS_ENV=development jets deploy will use .env.development
  • JETS_ENV=test jets deploy will use .env.test
  • JETS_ENV=production jets deploy will use .env.production

You can set JETS_ENV to any value, depending on whatever you want to name your environment.

Remote Only Variables

If you add “.remote” to the end of the filename, Jets will only load the values to the deployed Lambda environment. This can be useful if you need a local and remote version of the same environment. For example, you may want both a local and remote dev environment, and have the remote version using AWS RDS.

To use the remote version within the jets console, you can use the JETS_ENV_REMOTE=1 env variable. Example:

JETS_ENV_REMOTE=1 jets console

Jets Env Extra

The JETS_EXTRA concept supports its own dotenv file. Example:

JETS_EXTRA=2 jets console

Loads .env.development.2. This takes the highest precedence and will override values in other dotenv files.

Dotenv File Precedence

Here’s an example with JETS_ENV=development to explain the dotenv files precedence, from highest to lowest.

  1. .env.development.2 (highest) - Loaded when JETS_EXTRA=2 is set
  2. .env.development.remote - Loaded when JETS_ENV_REMOTE=1 is set locally or when on running on Lambda
  3. .env.development.local
  4. .env.development
  5. .env.local - Loaded for all environments except test.
  6. .env - (lowest) - Always loaded

SSM Parameter Store Support

AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store is supported. Storing secrets as SSM Parameters and referencing them your .env files allows you to commit your .env into source control. When you reference a parameter name with it will prefix the conventional /<app-name>/<jets-env>/. If you reference the parameter name with a leading / then the conventional prefix is not added. For example:

RELATIVE_DATABASE_URL=SSM:database-url          # references /<app-name>/<jets-env>/database-url
ABSOLUTE_DATABASE_URL=SSM:/path/to/database-url # references /path/to/database-url

The SSM parameters are fetched and interpolated into your environment at build time so make sure to re-deploy your app after making changes to your SSM parameters to ensure they are picked up correctly.

Additionally, if the value is SSM. It will conventionally map to /<app-name>/<jets-env>/KEY.

MY_SECRET=SSM # references /<app-name>/<jets-env>/MY_SECRET
MySecret=SSM  # references /<app-name>/<jets-env>/MySecret