Jets Turbine

Important: These docs are for the outdated Jets 5 versions and below. For the latest Jets docs:

A Jets::Turbine provides hooks to extend Jets and or modify the initialization process at a simpler and lower level than a full Jets Engine. If you’re coming from the Rails world, a Jets Turbine is similar to a Rails Railtie.

This is useful if you want to develop a third party extension for Jets like sentry-jets.

The interface is currently being developed and will be refined. Here’s a table of the currently supported methods:

Method Description
initalizer Runs after Jets has been initialized with mainly Jets libraries loaded.
after_initalizer Runs after Jets has been initialized and has loaded your application-specific code.
on_exception Fires whenever there is an application-wide exception, the registered block of code will be run. This is useful to report errors to error reporting services. Note, in Jets v4 and below, this hook only fires on Lambda. Locally, to reproduce you can run code with Jets.process(event, context, handler). Example: Jets.process({},{}, "handlers/jobs/hard_job.dig"). In Jets v5 and above, the hook fires both locally and on Lambda. This makes it easier to develop and test plugins that make use of this hook.

If you don’t want to develop a third party extension for Jets, you should use plain old initializer. An initializer is any Ruby file stored under config/initializers in your application.

Turbine Form

Here’s an example of a Turbine taken from the sentry-jets gem:

require 'sentry-raven'

module SentryJets
  class Turbine < ::Jets::Turbine
    initializer 'sentry.configure' do
      Raven.configure do |config|
        config.dsn = ENV['SENTRY_DSN']

    on_exception 'sentry.capture' do |exception|