Config Reference

Important: These docs are for the outdated Jets 5 versions and below. For the latest Jets docs:

Here’s a list of the available config settings. These settings here are specific to Jets.

Since Jets leverages some Rails components like ActiveRecord under-the-hood, some of those settings are also available. Please refer to Rails documentation for those settings. Note: Though most Rails settings are available, not all are. The best way is to give it a try and see. If a setting is unavailable and you want to see it, please submit a PR for consideration.


The table below covers each setting. Each option is configured in config/application.rb with config.OPTION. The config. portion is not shown for conciseness. IE: logger.level vs config.logger.level.

Name Default Description
api.api_key_required false Whether or not to require API key
api.authorization_type NONE API Gateway default authorization_type
api.authorizers.default_token_source Auth This the header to look for and use in the method.request.header. IE: method.request.header.Auth
api.auto_replace nil Whether or not to auto replace the API Gateway when necessary. By default, will prompt user. Setting this to true bypasses the prompt. Note changing the API Gateway will change the endpoint. It’s recommended to set up a custom domain which is updated with the new API Gateway endpoint automatically.
api.binary_media_types [‘multipart/form-data’] Content types to treat as binary
api.cors false Enable cors
api.cors_authorization_type nil API Gateway default authorization_type for CORS. Note, default is nil so ApiGateway::Cors#cors_authorization_type handles.
api.endpoint_policy nil Note, required when endpoint_type is EDGE
api.endpoint_type EDGE Endpoint type. IE: PRIVATE, EDGE, REGIONAL
app.domain nil The app domain to use. Should be the domain only without the protocol. This applies at the controller-level, IE: methods like redirect_to
assets.base_url nil Base url to use to serve assets. IE: Default uses the s3 endpoint url that jets manages. You can set an explicit value if you need to override and want to use a CDN. Precedence: 1. assets.base_url 32 s3_endpoint (jets managed s3 bucekt)
assets.cache_control nil The cache control expiry. IE: public, max-age=3600. Note, assets.max_age is a shorter way to set cache_control.
assets.folders [“assets”, “images”, “packs”] Folders to assets package and upload to s3
assets.max_age 3600 Default max age on assets
assets.paths [“app/assets/config”, “app/assets/images”, “app/assets/javascripts”, “app/assets/stylesheets”] Sprockets-related. Search path for sprockets to lookup asset files.
assets.precompile [] Sprockets-related. In Sprockets 4, using directives in manifest.js is encouraged instead of individual files. See: sprockets upgrading guide
assets.prefix “/assets” Sprockets-related. Prefix used to serve assets. IE: /assets/application-561a5525.js the prefix is /assets.
assets.use_precompiled false Sprockets-related. For development false, for production true. Assets are precompiled and uploaded to s3 for Jets to serve from.
autoload_paths [] Customize autoload paths. Add extra paths you want to Jets autoload.
build.prebundle_copy [] Paths to copy over to the code cache area before bundle install. Useful for copying gems in Gemfile with a local relative path source.
controllers.default_protect_from_forgery true for html mode, false for api mode. Whether or not to check for forgery protection
controllers.filtered_parameters [] Parameters to filter in logging output one_lambda_for_all_controllers other supported values are deprecated. one_apigw_method_for_all_routes other supported values are deprecated.
deploy.stagger.batch_size 10 Stagger the cloudformation update batch size.
deploy.stagger.enabled false Stagger the cloudformation update. Can be helpful with large apps.
domain.cert_arn nil Cert ARN for SSL
domain.endpoint_type REGIONAL The endpoint type to create for API Gateway custom domain. IE: EDGE or REGIONAL. Default to EDGE because CloudFormation update is faster nil Custom domain name to use. Recommend to leave nil and jets will set a conventional custom domain name and then use CloudFront in front outside of Jets to fully control the domain name.
domain.route53 true Controls whether or not to create the managed route53 record.
encoding.default utf-8 Default encoding
events.dynamodb.table_namespace true Enables prefixing the table name with the Jets.table_namespace value. IE: table_namespace: demo-dev, table_name: posts => demo-dev-posts. Instead of true, you can set an explicit String value and that will be the prefix value.
events.dynamodb.table_namespace_separator _ The character to separate the table namespace and table name with.
events.s3.configure_bucket true Whether or not to customer the bucket with the event notification trigger.
events.s3.notification_configuration nil Notification configuration
function.ephemeral_storage.size 512 Lambda function default size of the /tmp directory in megabytes
function.memory_size 1536 Lambda function default memory size
function.timeout 30 Lambda function default timeout
pro.clean false Whether or not to always rebuild binary gems in the cache folder.
pro.disable false Disable use of Jets Pro service. Disable access to precompiled gems. Note, this means you must build a custom lambda layer yourself. Also, disables the recording of deployments to Jet Pro dashboard. nil Override the host value use in the view helpers. IE:
hot_reload Defaults to true in development and false in other envs Whether or not to hot reload
ignore_paths [] Customize ignore paths. These paths will be ignored by the autoloader.
inflections.irregular {} Special case inflections
lambda.layers [] Additional custom lambda layers to use.
logger$stderr) Jets logger
logger.formatter The log formatter. Jets v5 apps set this in config/environments/development.rb to
logging.event true Whether or not to log the event. Jets v5 apps set this in config/environments/development.rb to false.
prewarm.enable true Enable prewarming noop call.
prewarm.public_ratio 3 Prewarming public ratio
prewarm.rack_ratio 5 Prewarming rack ratio
prewarm.rate 30 minutes Prewarming Rate
project_name generated as part of jets new Jets project name
ruby.check true Check at bootup time for supported Ruby versions.
ruby.supported_versions %w[2.5 2.7 3.2] List of officially supported Ruby versions.
session_options {} Session storage options
session_store :cookie_store Session storage.
time_zone UTC Time zone

Here’s also the application/defaults.rb source where these config options are defined.