
Important: These docs are for the outdated Jets 5 versions and below. For the latest Jets docs: docs.rubyonjets.com


The default logger foramtter does not prefix a timestamp. This is pretty much the default.


Jets.application.configure do
  config.logger.formatter = ActiveSupport::Logger::SimpleFormatter.new
  config.logging.event = false # dont show large event in local development logging

The reason a timestamp is not prefix by default is that it makes for cleaner logging output locally. Remotely, on AWS lambda the jets logs command will include the timestamp already from the CloudWatch event item. So the timestamp is not needed.

That being said, if you want a timestamp to be prefixed, you can use this:


Jets.application.configure do
  config.logger.formatter = Logger::Formatter.new # has timestamps
  config.logging.event = false # dont show large event in local development logging

The config.logging.event tells Jets whether or not to log the Lambda event payload. In development it’s configured to false. In production, it’s configured to true, so you can see it for debugging on Lambda.

Request Logging Override

For controllers, all params and event payload will be logged to CloudWatch in every request along with a completion log with the status code and duration of the request. You can override each of these logs via the following:

Lambda request started:

class ApplicationController < Jets::Controller::Base
  def log_start
    Jets.logger.info "Lambda function begin"

Lambda request completed:

This function accepts a options parameter. The options value is a Hash with these keys:

  • status: status code of the web request (ie. 200)
  • took: web request’s execution time.
class ApplicationController < Jets::Controller::Base
  def log_finish(options={})
    status, took = options[:status], options[:took]
    Jets.logger.info "Web request complete, status code: #{status}, took: #{took}s"

Note: The interface may change in the future.