Kingsman: Configuring Controllers

Important: These docs are for the outdated Jets 5 versions and below. For the latest Jets docs:

If the customization at the views level is not enough, you can customize each controller by following these steps:

  1. Create your custom controllers using the generator which requires a scope:

     jets generate kingsman:controllers [scope]

    If you specify users as the scope, controllers will be created in app/controllers/users/. And the sessions controller will look like this:

     class Users::SessionsController < Kingsman::SessionsController
       # GET /resource/sign_in
       # def new
       #   super
       # end

    Use the -c flag to specify one or more controllers, for example: jets generate kingsman:controllers users -c sessions)

  2. Tell the router to use this controller:

     kingsman_for :users, controllers: { sessions: 'users/sessions' }
  3. Recommended but not required: copy (or move) the views from kingsman/sessions to users/sessions. Jets will continue using the views from kingsman/sessions due to inheritance if you skip this step, but having the views matching the controller(s) keeps things consistent.

  4. Finally, change or extend the desired controller actions.

    You can completely override a controller action:

     class Users::SessionsController < Kingsman::SessionsController
       def create
         # custom sign-in code

    Or you can simply add new behavior to it:

     class Users::SessionsController < Kingsman::SessionsController
       def create
         super do |resource|

    This is useful for triggering background jobs or logging events during certain actions.

Remember that Kingsman uses flash messages to let users know if sign in was successful or unsuccessful. Kingsman expects your application to call flash[:notice] and flash[:alert] as appropriate. Do not print the entire flash hash, print only specific keys. In some circumstances, Kingsman adds a :timedout key to the flash hash, which is not meant for display. Remove this key from the hash if you intend to print the entire hash.