Jets 5 Upgrade Notes

Important: These docs are for the outdated Jets 5 versions and below. For the latest Jets docs:

Here are some additional notes on upgrading to Jets 5.

jets-upgrade tool

The first tip is to try the jets-upgrade tool. It tries to rewrite your source code to work with Jets 5. It automates a decent amount. It also helps document what’s been changed in a codified manner.

Additional Notes

The jets-upgrade tool tries to handle these noted items below, but when the tool may fail to rewrite your code, reading through these notes and understanding them can help with your upgrade.

  • config/application.rb has a new structure. There must be a class defined in there that inherits from Jets::Application. It doesn’t really matter what the name of the class is; it just needs to inherit from Jets::Application. This is because this is how Jets Engines works to register your application as an Engine.
  • The default home route displaying the “Jets Welcome” page now should now point to jets/welcome#index. The public/index.html file is also removed.
  • The controller action to delete records was changed from delete to destroy.
  • The destroy action needs to use respond_to and provide a format for json or js for redirecting the delete action.
  • Javascript has been upgraded from using jetpacker/webpacker to importmap.
  • The javascript_pack_tag will be replaced by javascript_include_tag. The stylesheet_pack_tag will be replaced by stylesheet_link_tag
  • Javascript files in app/javascript/packs will be moved to app/javascript
  • Css files in app/javascript/packs will be moved to app/assets/stylesheets
  • Node related javascript files will be removed. This includes: node_modules babel.config.js bin/webpack bin/webpack-dev-server package.json postcss.config.js yarn.lock

Again, the jets-upgrade tool will try to do all the following above. The tool may fail, though. So, reading through these additional notes can help with the upgrade.